Mango and The Moo Moo Night….The Inspiration

The song is sung from the Moo Moo hubby’s point of view after Mango got away.

Honiara, Solomon Islands March 1968

Arrived at Honiara this morning after a pretty sweet sail from Cairns. It was like the Coral Sea decided we needed a smooth cruise and mirrored out the whole way. There was talk of diverting to Port Moresby but better heads prevailed. The place was always “dodgey” at best but it’s on a downward spiral for sure. The Solomon islanders are basically the same people but much sweeter and more welcoming.

It’s probably a major character flaw or some deep seeded wierdness but I seem to be drawn somehow to places with a more spiritual or mythical vibe. There’s so much of that across the Pacific. I’ve geeked out on island beliefs enough to have heard about Kapua, Ka Kula ‘Ulane, and lots of others, but giants? Real living giants? I’d been to the Solomons a few times before( Coconut Grove ) but listening to Malisa gave me the feeling there was a whole other world here I had missed. After all, she reminded me, the country’s official motto is The Place That Time Forgot’”.

I snagged a berth as sous chef on a very cool small cruise ship back in Townsville and found myself with lots of downtime. The Chef was amazing and didn’t really need me so it was decided I’d function as Passenger Service Co-ordinator. Sweet job. I met Melisa and her sister as they boarded and we became good friends instantly. I saw them sitting in the bar one evening and brought over some fresh sushi and treats. Melisa asked if I’d join them so she could finish telling me all she’d learned about the Guadalcanal Giants as most islanders call them. Actually they use the names Orang Dalam. or simply Moo Moo. These giants have long black, brown or often red hair, double eyebrows, red eyeballs, flat noses and wide mouths. I pictured a tanned, jungle dwelling Sasquatch but I guess these guys aren’t quite as elusive. They live in a cave system that honeycombs under the island’s mountains and connects to all of the other islands in the chain.

As a bonus Melisa recounted the story of Mango and the Giants. Mango was an young island woman who was taken from her village by some giants and one kept her as a wife for something like 25 years. Then Mango reappears, in an unrecognisable and shocking state, and died just a few years ago. We began to fill in fun details in the story like what Mango would have cooked for Hubby. Melisa’s sister thought she remembered pork is the absolute favorite meal of all giants and these in particular. Further, the jungles are loaded with mango tees and including them was a no brainer (Something my Aunt Bonnie used to call me. She was kidding. I think she was…)

The Chef had joined us and totally loved the food combo AND the story. The next night he decided was Mango and The Moo Moo Night on board and presented Grilled Pork with Mango and Rum Sauce as the star. His addition to the story is that the pork honors the giants and is offered in hopes of being allowed to visit their islands, the mangos honor sweet Mango and her sadly interrupted jungle home life. The rum sauce was to honor me. He added that it was my idea which got a large round of applause from the passengers and a kiss from Melisa. One more exiting than the other but both were very appreciated.

If you deem yourself brave enough to chance an encounter with Orang Dalam or maybe spot a flying Dragon Snake you might want to check these links:

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