Mango and The Moo Moo Night….The Recipe

I chose this music because it might have been what got Mango through her captivity? Crank it up while you cook! When I read the journal entry for this one I wondered if during his short career as Passenger Service Co-ordinator R.B. fought the urge to channel Julie Mcoy- Cruise Director on The Love Boat….

Mango and The Moo Moo Night….The Inspiration

The song is sung from the Moo Moo hubby’s point of view after Mango got away. Honiara, Solomon Islands March 1968 Arrived at Honiara this morning after a pretty sweet sail from Cairns. It was like the Coral Sea decided we needed a smooth cruise and mirrored out the whole way. There was talk of…

Kiwi Kapua…The Inspiration

I gathered whatever wits I had and asked if she often dove at night and her laughter touched the same places Kapua had.

Kiwi Kapua….The Recipe

Seared Scallops with Orange Rum Sauce Luckily for me my time with Miyu was Kapualess and utterly amazing. The music that floated from her cottage that night was very cool jazz that carried me inside and set the mood wonderfully. See if it does the same for you and let me know? Click on the…

Kiko and the First Mango Tree… The recipe

Mango and Rum Chicken Stir-fry is not just a pretty face, it’s the perfect balance of spicy, sweet, and savory.  The mangos are diced with red onions, fresh grated ginger, and minced jalapeno, then tossed with fresh lime juice and spicy sambal. Maybe I’ll do a post on making your own sambal but in the meantime…

Rib Eye Steak Strips….The Revision

Author’s note  I embarasingly remember the opening line I blurted out at my very first Super Bowl party waaay back in the day. After greeting the hosts and saying hey to my buddies and grabbing a drink I spotted an open seat on the couch and dover for it. As I turned to see my…

A month of nights, a year of days

A month of nights, a year of days Octobers drifting into Mays You set your sail when the tide comes in And you cast your fate to the wind    It was a million years since Bridgette had been taken from me. And yet it was five seconds ago. There was just this constant, unending,…

Ain’t no big ting ’bout Jasmine rice

   You know that part of you that needs to at least pretend you’re in Paradise? Jasmine rice is the vessel to get you there every time.  You can sail your senses off to Singapore by adding a a touch of curry or a sweet-sour sauce. Or cruise your mouth down to Tahiti with a…

Bridgette’s Shell – The Inspiration

As always, start the music and read on! Kabua, Marshall Islands MV Guidance 12 May 1971     Apia was Treanor’s last port of call in his journey wandering through Mother Ocean’s paradise. I saw him off at the airport on his way back to California and The World. I could blame it on our…